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 Our 2023-2026 Strategic Priorities

Throughout the summer and fall of 2023, the OCO staff worked with Results Washington to develop a comprehensive three-year strategic plan. Our first task was to establish our vision, mission, and values. After a robust and collaborative process, led by our facilitators, we are pleased to share our new vision, mission, five core values and our three-year strategic priorities.

OCO's 2023-2026 strategic priorities focus on aligning corrections oversight, the Governor's Goals, and our agency strategic goals and initiatives. Our strategic plan is the foundation of our internal goals and priorities as an agency. The strategic plan aligns our goals and priorities with our mission, vision, and values. 

To achieve our vision, we will provide these key outcomes 

  Improve outreach, education, and access.
 Deliver individual resolutions and publish systemic recommendations that achieve positive and persistent change.
 Strengthen internal systems and processes to ensure continuity of quality services.

To deliver these key outcomes, for the next year we will 

The OCO PEAR CAT's membership will include incarcerated individuals, community-based organizations, and OCO community members who represent many of Washington’s diverse populations and communities. PEAR CAT members play a key role in informing OCO's strategies, community engagement activities, and sharing their personal/lived experiences on how OCO's programs and services impact them and their community.


To achieve our vision, the OCO staff will internally focus on 



Our Mission & Vision

 The Office of the Corrections Ombuds envisions a more humane and transparent Washington corrections system.

The Office of the Corrections Ombuds is on a mission to provide opportunities for people impacted by incarceration to raise issues and resolve conflicts. We work to reduce harm in the Washington corrections system by negotiating outcomes, recommending positive change, and reporting individual and systemic concerns. 

Our Five Core Values

  We believe in honesty, transparency, and authenticity. 
 We are a compassionate, kind, and consistent organization. We value our collective humanity and dignity.
 We work together to deliver objective communications and negotiations to positively impact the community we serve. 
  We recognize the importance of diversity and lived experience. We aim to provide equitable services to all people impacted by incarceration.
 We are bold and persistent problem solvers. We work to safeguard the health, safety, and welfare of incarcerated individuals. We remain optimistic that our work empowers and makes a difference. 


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