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Caitlin Robertson, Ph.D. (she/her), joined the OCO in early 2020 as an assistant ombuds where she worked on high-priority investigations related to severe bodily harm and staff conduct. In June 2022, Governor Inslee appointed her to lead the state agency. In addition to her work at the OCO, Caitie co-chairs the Public Safety Chapter of the United States Ombudsman Association and is a selected member of the Jail and Prison Oversight Steering Committee at the National Association of Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement. Caitie has lived and worked on both sides of the mountains, and is a proud fifth-generation Pacific Northwesterner.  

Robertson holds a doctorate of philosophy from Gonzaga University, a graduate certificate in justice and peace studies from the Iliff School of Theology, a teaching certificate from the Inside-Out Training Institute at Temple University, and a master's degree in conflict and dispute resolution from the University of Oregon School of Law. 

 Contact: Caitlin Robertson, Ph.D.  

Caitlin Robertson, Ph.D.

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