Internship Opportunities at the OCO
Undergraduate and Graduate students with the lived experience of incarceration wanted!
- We understand that formerly incarcerated people may face barriers to taking internships as internships are often unpaid. OCO will offer at least one paid internship per quarter for a formerly incarcerated student. If you are formerly incarcerated and interested in this opportunity, please email Deputy Director Elisabeth Kingsbury
- Possible Internship focus areas include:
- Community Custody Division (supervision in the community)
- Juvenile Rehabilitation
- Graduated Reentry/Electronic Home Monitoring
- Amend/Washington Way
- Sustantinable programs and community needs
- Food quality
- Prison violence
- Solitary confinement
Are you an Evergreen State College Student interested in interning in our office full time for full time course credit, you can establish an Independent Learning Contract (ILC) with a faculty advisor. We even have a prior ILC that you can use as a template! Prior to either signing up for the Community Resilience course or establishing an ILC, please contact Assistant Corrections Ombuds Stella Spracklin to set up a brief interview.