OCO's Input on DOC Policies
The OCO recognizes the need for stakeholder input into all DOC policies. Our goal is to provide critical reflection on DOC policies with the goal of improving conditions for all people in the custody of the WA DOC. Interested stakeholders can review the DOC policies pending revision on the DOC's website (Policy Review) and can submit feedback to DOC via the same link. The DOC has not created an easy way for incarcerated individuals to submit comments online. The OCO strongly encourages the DOC to develop a process for collecting and considering feedback from the incarcerated population.
In 2023, the DOC agreed to change its policy revision process in a way that would allow stakeholders to have much more time to develop recommendations for policy change. Under this new process, the DOC posts a list of unrestricted policies that will be undergoing revisions within six months. Stakeholders can then take time to meaningfully consider the policies and communicate with DOC policy authors and other interested parties about their concerns and recommended revisions. However, as a result of this change, DOC no longer posts its draft policies publicly. This means that external stakeholders no longer have the opportunity to preview and comment on the DOC's own proposed revisions to policies. The OCO has identified this as a flaw in the system and has communicated this concern to DOC leadership.
The following are OCO's submitted comments on DOC policies:
DOC Policy 100.500 Non-Discrimination for Individuals
DOC Policy 110.100 Prison Management Expectations
DOC Policy 310.000 Orientation
DOC Policy 310.300 Skill Building Unit
DOC Policy 330.600 Prisons Compact
DOC Policy 350.200 Transition and Release
DOC Policy 380.540 Vehicle Use in Partial Confinement
DOC Policy 390.590 Graduated Reentry
DOC Policy 400.025 Department ID Cards
DOC Policy 400.280 Legal Name Change
DOC Policy 400.410 Assignments to Specialized Units
DOC Policy 420.140 Cell Room Assignment
DOC Policy 420.310 Searches of Incarcerated Individuals
DOC Policy 420.311 Dry Cell Watch
DOC Policy 440.000 Personal Property in Prisons
DOC Policy 440.010 Personal Property for Reentry Centers
DOC Policy 440.020 Transport of Property
DOC Policy 440.080 Hygiene and Grooming of Incarcerated Individuals
DOC Policy 450.100 Mail for Individuals in Prison
DOC Policy 450.300 Visits for Incarcerated Individuals
DOC Policy 450.310 Visits and Social Outings for Work/Training Release
DOC Policy 460.000 Disciplinary Process for Prisons
DOC Policy 470.500 Security Threat Groups
DOC Policy 470.540 Group Violence Reduction Strategy
DOC Policy 490.700 Transgender, Intersex, and/or Non-Binary Housing and Supervision
DOC Policy 500.000 Education and Vocational Programs in Prisons
DOC Policy 510.010 Library Services
DOC Policy 530.100 Volunteer Program
DOC Policy 540.105 Recreation Programs in Prison
DOC Policy 590.100 Extending Family Visiting
DOC Policy 600.000 Health Services Management
DOC Policy 610.240 Therapeutic Diets
DOC Policy 610.650 Outpatient Services
DOC Policy 610.650 Outpatient Services
DOC Policy 620.020 Patient-Paid Healthcare
DOC Policy 620.200 Death of Incarcerated Individuals
DOC Policy 630.540 Involuntary Antipsychotic Administration
DOC Policy 650.020 Pharmaceutical Management
DOC Policy 700.000 Work Programs in Prisons
DOC Policy 890.620 Emergency Medical Treatment